Moore n' Wife

Oxford green royal doulton

 Pattern Code: RD OXG
Description: England, Warwick, Green Band, Gold Rings


 Pattern Code: RD OXG, Description: England, Warwick, Green Band, Gold Rings,Pattern: Oxford Green (England) by Royal Doulton, Status: Discontinued. Circa: 1994 – 2002
16cm plate £15.00, 20cm plate £20.00, 27cm plate £30.00, 23cm rimmed soup £30.00, teacup and saucer £30.00, covered sugar tea £40.00, coffee pot £99.00, bread and butter plate £30.00, covered vegetable dish £155.00, cream jug tea £40.00, 20cm coupe soup £25.00, open sugar tea £20.00, sauce boat and stand £90.00, open vegetable dish £75.00.